NDIT Funding
2023-25 Étude des effets sur la santé physique de la consommation de cannabis chez les adultes en âge de travailler et les enfants vivant avec eux : le programme CAPE.
Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ-S): $600,000
Principal Investigator: Sylvestre MP
Co-Investigators: Chadi N, Doré I, Constantin E, Paradis G, Engert J, Drouin O, Fallu JS, Huynh C, O'Loughlin J
2022-27 CAN-DO (CANnabis research DevelOpment): A cells-to-society research program on cannabis and mental health in younger adults
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): $500,000
Principal Investigators: Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J
Co-Investigators: Doré I, Fallu JS, Ferlatte O, Huynh C, Maximova K, Sabiston C, Struik L
2021-23 Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the
COVID-19 experience in young adults
CIHR : $457,422
Principal Investigators: Sylvestre MP; O’Loughlin J, Belanger M
Co-Investigators: Ferlatte O, Gariepy G, Maximova K, Plourde V, Thombs B
2020-21 Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the
COVID- 19 experience in young adults
CRCHUM Fond de depannage: $50,000
PIs: O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP
Co-Is: Belanger M, Ferlatte O, Gariepy G, Maximova K, Plourde V, Thombs B, Dufour
C, Mowatt D, Pellerin A
2020 Genetic impact on youth vaping: Extending known genetic risk factors in smoking and tobacco-related illnesses to vaping.
CIHR Catalyst Grant: Health Effects of Vaping: $99,942
PIs: Chenoweth MJ, Tyndale RF
Co-Is: Eisenberg M; Hammond D, O'Loughlin J, Porath A. Sylvestre MP
2017-18 Depressive symptoms in adolescence: The independent and interactive influences of genetics and physical activity over time
CIHR Operating Grant: $75,000
PIs: Brunet J, Sylvestre MP
Co-Is: Karp I, Engert J, Williams S, O’Loughlin J
2016-20 Determinants of individual blood pressure trajectories in adolescents
CIHR $355,492
PI: Sylvestre MP
Co-PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Engert J, Karp I, Williams S
Note: an additional $30,000 (in addition to the $355,492) was added to the grant in
Sept 2020 as a COVID-19-related supplement.
2016-8 Life course approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer
Cancer Research Society/Read for the Cure Operating Grant: $120 000
PI: Sylvestre MP
Co-Is: Datta G; Engert J; Karp I; Jutras-Aswad D; O’Loughlin J
2015-9 Continuation of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) study to age 30
CCSRI Prevention Research Grant: $594,375
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Datta G, Engert J, Kakinami L, Low N, Montreuil A, Sabiston C, Sylvestre MP; Additional Authors: DiFranza J, Paradis G, Pbert L, Winickoff J
2014-6 Gene environment interactions in the development of cigarette smoking and obesity
Cancer Research Society/Read for the Cure Operating Grant: $120,000
PI: Engert JC
Co-Is: O'Loughlin J, Karp I, Low NCP, Sylvestre MP
2012-7 Strengthening the links between research, practice and policy to reduce the burden of smoking in youth.
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute: $961,163
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-PIs: Tremblay M
Co-Is: Montreuil A, Rochefort L, Karp I, Labbe A, Paradis G, DiFranza J, Low N, Brunet J, Jean-Charles A
2007 Secondary analyses of longitudinal data on environmental tobacco smoking and nicotine dependence symptoms among never smokers
CTCRI Student Research Grant: $10,0000
PI: Lagerlund M
Co-I: O’Loughlin J
2006-13 Long-term follow-up of the NDIT cohort
NCIC: $1,103,901
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-I: Paradis G, DiFranza J, Tyndale R, Hanley J
2003 The influence of CYP2E1 genotype on nicotine dependence
CTCRI Research Allowance Grant Program: $10,000
PI: Kim W
Co-I: Tyndale R, O’Loughlin J
2002-5 A prospective study on the natural history of nicotine dependence: request for renewal
NCIC: $404,350
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Paradis G, Clarke P, Tyndale R, DiFranza J, Hanley J. (Note: also funded by CIHR $327,000 (we refused the grant)).
2000-1 Planning grant to extend funding of an ongoing 3-year prospective study of the natural history of nicotine dependence
CTCRI/NCIC: $30,000
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Paradis G, Tremblay M, Hanley J
1999-2000 Validation of a measure of nicotine dependence in youth
Canadian Tobacco Research Initiative/NCIC: $21,264
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Paradis G, MacDonald P, Tremblay M, DiFranza J, Bujold M
1999-2002 A prospective study on the natural history of nicotine dependence
NCIC: $348,000
PI: O’Loughlin J
Co-Is: Paradis G, Clarke P, Tyndale R, DiFranza J, Hanley J